Eternal Life Is Worth the Cost

Would love if you took time to watch my sermon from Gospel City Church on Luke 18:18-30.

The big idea of this text is that living faith sees Jesus as more valuable that anything this world could give or death could take.

The truth is many, like the rich young ruler, look the part and even walk the part. Many can rattle off spiritual truths, and hold gospel oriented, spiritual conversations. The tragedy of our humanity is that we are often focused on the “DO,” rather than the “WHO.” The rich young ruler had done so many things right, but the one thing he lacked was Jesus — and when faced with the opportunity to leave this word behind to gain Jesus, he wouldn’t do it. So it is with many on this earth.

Eternal life cannot be earned and it only comes through Jesus. And while it may indeed cost you this side of heaven, the reward of heaven is worth far more than it could ever cost.